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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
Top Actuary Jobs
Salary Survey, Apply, Casualty, Health, Life, Pension
Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA
Pryor Associates
Actuarial Openings: Life, P&C, Health, Pensions, Finance
Andover Research, Ltd.
Actuarial Recruiting Since 1975
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Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
Actuarial Jobs Worldwide
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Sam Broverman – Mad River Seminars

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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
Top Actuary Jobs
Salary Survey, Apply, Casualty, Health, Life, Pension
Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA
Pryor Associates
Actuarial Openings: Life, P&C, Health, Pensions, Finance
Andover Research, Ltd.
Actuarial Recruiting Since 1975
View: Actuarial Opportunities
Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
Actuarial Jobs Worldwide
Search positions: Region, Specialization, Salary
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Seminar Provider

At the seminar, the aim is to review exam topics comprehensively and in as much detail as possible in the allotted time. I try to focus on conceptual understanding along with an emphasis on developing efficient problem solving skills and problem identification skills.

Exams Covered
Exam MLC (SOA), Exam C/4 (SOA/CAS)
About the Instructors & Authors
•Author of Mathematics of Investment and Credit, a reference for SOA Exam FM/CAS Exam 2 and EA1
•Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, 1976
•Professor of Actuarial Science at the University of Toronto since 1980, and University of Texas at Austin from 1978-1980
•Affiliated with ACTEX/Mad River for 30 years
•Author of the ACTEX study manuals for Exams P (CAS Exam 1) and C (CAS Exam 4)
•Has conducted actuarial review seminars for over 20 years
•Instructor for seminars for EXAMS FM, M and C
•Author of Study Guides for EXAMS FM and MLC
•Development committee member and instructor for the “common core” portion of the SOA Course 7 seminar in applied modelling
•Conducted actuarial courses in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Mexico and Europe

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