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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
Top Actuary Jobs Salary Survey, Apply, Casualty, Health, Life, Pension |
Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA Pryor Associates Actuarial Openings: Life, P&C, Health, Pensions, Finance |
Andover Research, Ltd. Actuarial Recruiting Since 1975 View: Actuarial Opportunities |
Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
Actuarial Jobs Worldwide Search positions: Region, Specialization, Salary |
Jobs in mathematics and actuarial science rank in the nation’s Top 3, according to a 2015 Career Cast study. Mathematicians excel in a variety of professional fields, such as industry, science, government, finance, and education. These jobs are financially lucrative, offering a mid-level beginning income of $75,000. They offer abundant opportunities for advancement and, most surprisingly, they often deviate from common perceptions about mathematics careers.
Our Actuarial Science graduates have a 100% placement rate. They are highly successful in the competitive entry-level job market and excel in related fields such as risk management, investment banking, insurance underwriting, and retirement services.