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University of North Texas

Contact Name
Huguette Tran

The department offers programs of study leading to the BA, MA, MS and PhD degrees with a major in mathematics, and the BSMTH. It also offers minors in mathematics and statistics, and undergraduate academic certificates in statistics and actuarial science, the latter in cooperation with the College of Business and the Department of Economics. Its faculty is dedicated to excellence in scholarship and teaching. The faculty supports a strong program of instruction and research, having as its core a solid foundation of mathematical theory that furnishes the tools necessary to address and solve crucial problems in maintaining, improving and protecting the world. The program also promulgates mathematics as a discipline in its own right, a body of pure knowledge with exceptional power, enabling its practitioners and those who diligently study it to be adaptable and effective forces in the workplace.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered

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