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Simon Fraser University

British Columbia
Contact Name
Yi Lu

SFU currently offers 2 programs in Actuarial Science. The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science offers a program leading to a bachelor of science with a major or honors in Actuarial Science. These programs prepare the student for most of the Society of Actuaries Associateship examinations (SOA exams P, FM, IFM, STAM, LTAM and SRM).

Most courses are offered either at the Burnaby campus. Some courses may be offered at the Surrey campus or the Harbour Centre campus (515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver). Students should consult with academic advisors at the Students Services or the Actuarial Science program advisor.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered
Bachelors, Masters, PhD

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