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Olivet Nazarene University

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Dale Hathaway

The Department of Mathematics is located in the lower level of Burke Administration building.  Several of the classes used for mathematics courses are also on this level along with the mathematics lab. We offer five major mathematics programs: a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in mathematics and four Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees in mathematics, mathematics education, data science, and actuarial science, as well as minors in mathematics, mathematics education, data science, and statistics.  You can read more about these programs here. There are currently seven full-time faculty in the department along with a couple of adjuncts who help with teaching some of the non-major courses.

The department typically graduates between eight and fifteen majors a year. The graduates are usually evenly split between mathematics/actuarial science and mathematics education. Our students are able to work very closely with the mathematics faculty, which provides a more personal approach than at some other institutions. Mathematics class sizes start at around 35 for freshman and sophomores, 20-25 for juniors, and 10-15 for seniors. This provides plenty of personal attention.

There are several opportunities for students to work on campus in mathematics related jobs. The Math lab provides tutoring for all courses up to Calculus II. Many mathematics majors also have the opportunity to serve as department assistants and assist in grading homework.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
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