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New York University Stern School of Business - Actuarial Colleges and Universities School Program Directory - Actuary.com

New York University Stern School of Business

New York
New York
Contact Name
Aaron Tenenbein

Virtually every sector of the economy has been transformed by revolutionary changes in the ways organizations provide their customers with goods and services. The Department of Technology, Operations, and Statistics is dedicated to study the ways companies utilize information and manage processes to create value.

Academic programs in the department fall into three academic disciplines:

Operations Management

The research and teaching interests of its members span a wide range of topics such as the economics of information, knowledge transfer in high-tech organizations, data mining, personalization of Internet services, statistical theory, supply chain management, stochastic processes and queuing systems, yield management, scheduling, and many others.

We invite you to learn about our programs and courses for the three groups by following the links on the left.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered

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