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Murray State University

Contact Name
John Porter

Mathematics and statistics are disciplines that are embedded in every human endeavor with a quantitative component.  To name just a few, mathematics and statistics are used in physics, chemistry, economics, finance, biology, business, as well as many other fields that you may be interested in.  Whether techniques from our disciplines are an essential tool in your studies, or you wish to study mathematics and statistics in its own right, we are happy to do our part in honing your mathematics and statistics skills!

We have more than 20 dedicated full-time faculty members whose educational efforts take several forms:

Teaching classes: Our faculty excel in making difficult material understandable.   It is no surprise that several of them have received Board of Regents' Teaching Awards!
Student research: Students gain advanced knowledge through participation in research projects with faculty members, which are plentiful. A prominent example was the BioMaPS program, a collaboration of some of our faculty with faculty from the Department of Biology.
Mathematics-related social activities: Our faculty are enthusiastic supporters of  organizations such as the Euclidean Math Club (which produced the recruiting video below), or chapters of national organizations Pi Mu Epsilon and the Association for Women in Mathematics.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered
Bachelors, Masters

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