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Hofstra University

New York
Contact Name
Johanna Franklin

e offer a comprehensive program in undergraduate mathematics, with optional tracks in applied mathematics, elementary or secondary education, actuarial science, computer science, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Math majors have gone on to successful careers in teaching, finance, industry, law, medicine, and actuarial science, in addition to graduate work in the sciences, business, and statistics.

Teaching excellence is our highest priority. We aim to create a nurturing and friendly atmosphere for our students while maintaining high academic standards.

In addition to our strong commitment to teaching, our faculty are actively engaged in scholarly research and involved in local, national, and international mathematical organizations and conferences. We welcome our qualified undergraduate mathematics majors to become involved in our research by doing an honors project.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered

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