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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
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Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA
Pryor Associates
Actuarial Openings: Life, P&C, Health, Pensions, Finance
Andover Research, Ltd.
Actuarial Recruiting Since 1975
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Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
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Carroll University

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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
Top Actuary Jobs
Salary Survey, Apply, Casualty, Health, Life, Pension
Pauline Reimer, ASA, MAAA
Pryor Associates
Actuarial Openings: Life, P&C, Health, Pensions, Finance
Andover Research, Ltd.
Actuarial Recruiting Since 1975
View: Actuarial Opportunities
Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
Actuarial Jobs Worldwide
Search positions: Region, Specialization, Salary
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John Symms

Carroll University offers small classes with the benefits of personal attention. You’ll really get to know your professors and fellow classmates. Our core courses prepare you to successfully complete the first four actuary exams, making our program competitive with those found in larger institutions.

You’ll receive a broad and in-depth background in mathematics, statistics, finance and economics. Our program covers topics such as financial-economic models and their application to insurance and other financial risks. You’ll learn about fundamental probability tools in relation to actuarial science and how accounting data aids in management decision making. As an actuarial science major, you’ll develop logical thinking, quantitative reasoning and deductive analyses that will give you a competitive start in the profession.

Our students have established a remarkable record of success. Nearly all of those who complete the major have a job in the profession or a related profession upon graduation, often related to a full-time internship experience. The major develops skills that are useful in a wide variety of careers. Carroll partners with local companies to offer paid internships, including 100 hours of paid time to study for actuarial science exams.

# of VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) Topics Supported by Classes
# of Society of Actuaries Exams Supported by Classes
Society of Actuaries Recognition Tier
Level of Actuarial Courses Offered

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