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Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruiters
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Pryor Associates
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Andover Research, Ltd.
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Actuarial Careers, Inc. ®
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Actuarial Careers, Inc.

Actuarial Careers
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16719 Senterra Drive
Delray Beach
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Actuarial Careers, Inc.® is the leading actuarial recruiting firm specializing in the placement of Actuaries worldwide. We provide each candidate with the most responsive and professional service in the industry. Our practice exclusively serves all actuarial disciplines, and at all levels ranging from Chief Actuaries and Senior Management roles, Fellows, Associates, and Student actuaries. Our clients employ the majority of the world's actuaries at insurance companies, health care organizations, consulting firms, investment banks, reinsurers, as well as non-traditional employers, and insure that we are at the forefront of actuarial career opportunities and actuary job trends. Our website and proprietary database are updated continuously and contain hundreds of current available positions.

Aimee Kaye-President, Patty Kent-Executive Vice President, Claudine Cox-Senior Vice President, Jesse West-Senior Vice President, Barbara Roman-Senior Vice President, Jennifer Hart-Vice President, Robyn Taylor-Vice President, Jill Grayson-Assistant Vice President, Lauren Lee and Lauren Carter.

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